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Live the Dream, From Passion to Prosperity: Turn Your Love for Travel into a Lucrative Career

Every day when I woke up to go to my job, I heard a voice whispering in my heart and echoing in my ears. It told me, "Diana, you do not belong here. You belong in the Aviation and Travel Industry. Do something to rescue your destiny."

At that time, my job was one of the most important aspects of my life. I believed that leaving my nursing career would cause me to lose focus and potentially struggle due to a lack of employment opportunities. So, every morning, I woke up without motivation or excitement, going to work solely for the sake of earning money. We all know how our parents worry about our future, so when I expressed my desire to leave my career and pursue my dreams outside the government system, it came as a shock to them. They even warned me, saying, "Don’t you see others suffering because of unemployment? Don’t try it."

I wished I had a mentor during those days who could show me the way to start my new path as a Travel Agent, even if it was initially on a part-time basis. But I had no one to guide me. However, one day, I made the decision to quit my nursing job and pursue my dream.

It wasn’t easy because a career in Aviation was financially challenging for someone with my means. I had to sell a piece of land just to afford the school fees for my new career, which I strongly believed was my calling. Keep in mind, it took six months of schooling before one could secure a job in the Travel Industry, and that was just for a certificate. I had to study for an entire year before finally landing my first employment opportunity in a local airline.

I still remember the exhilaration of my first day at work. It was the best day of my life. I couldn’t believe that I was finally living my dream job. It was an epic moment and the beginning of a fulfilling, exciting, and creatively rich new life.

Now, waking up in the morning doesn’t require an alarm clock because I enjoy every second of what I do. I share this story as the driving force behind the creation of this coaching program for newcomers in my industry,
Ready to turn your dreams into reality as a successful Luxury Travel Advisor? Book your personalized strategy session now and let’s embark on this journey together. With my experience, dedication, and passion, we’ll pave the way for your thriving career in the luxury travel industry

Diana Gasper

Certified Life and Business Coach
As an industry leader, influencer, and advocate, Diana has been recognized both nationally and
Internationally for her innovative work in the travel industry. From winning the Malkia wa Nguvu Award for Business Innovation in Tanzania to being recognized by International Trade Center as She Trades Globally in Liverpool UK, honored with a Humanitarian Award in Canada for her work empowering women in Africa, Diana is a trailblazer who is changing lives around the world.Through her non-profit organization STUKA TANZANIA, Diana is helping women achieve their dreams by providing them with entrepreneurship education and empowering them to succeed. She firmly believes that women have what it takes to be successful, and is dedicated to breaking down the traditional barriers that have held them back.

But Diana’s impact doesn’t stop there. Through exchange programs and personalized luxury travel
experiences, she has helped thousands of people around the world have unforgettable vacations and
create lifelong friendships. With her infectious passion for travel and her commitment to empowering others, Diana is a true trailblazer who is changing lives and inspiring others to do the same,

Copyright Diana Gasper